General Data Protection Regulation – USA

1. Company authorization

The companies’ administrators must be authorized by this document to carry out the procedures with the tool, being necessary to upload a file (see template) in which the company to be managed authorizes them for said management.

If you manage more than one company, you must upload as many files as companies you manage (each one filled in by the corresponding company).

This file is necessary to complete the registration. Although if you have not uploaded it, the document is pending of validation or even it is incorrect, you will be able to continue using the application (in a restricted way), by clicking on the continue button at the bottom.

The restrictions are mainly due to data not allowed, such as not having access to files that you have not uploaded, restricting certain data or not being able to delete workers.

1.1. (*) GDPR Authorization

Depending on the legal requirements of the countries regarding to data protection, it may be necessary to upload an authorization from the company administrator by the company.

Every time you access to the application, it is requested to upload the authorization if it applies and is pending, and it offers the possibility of downloading the authorization model (download template).

Once completed and scanned, select the option “Upload File”. It is possible to access the application without uploading the authorization by clicking on “Continue”, but limitations will be applied in certain functions (indicated as ***). When you upload it, must be validated and it will not be requested anymore in the following accesses, but until then the following screen will be displayed.