Massive upload of documentation
It allows a massive upload of documentation. You must do it by using the given template and once completed reload it.
The template consists of several sheets. The first sheet must be filled in and the rest with the necessary information to be able to complete it.
MASSIVE UPLOAD OF DOCUMENTATION. Data to be completed with the information provided in the rest of the sheets.
* Container ID: identify that information, whether it is about the company, workers or machinery (actually this data is from the container NOT the ID of the company, workers and vehicles).
* ID Type of delivery: identify ID Type of delivery.
* Center ID: identify the center when the delivery to be loaded is center type.
* Path: from the folder (see next point).
* Date (dd-MM-yyyy).
* Validity: If you do not include validity/validity date, it takes the validity that the delivery has as default.
* Validity (Day/Week/Month/Year).
* Language (ES/EN/FR/PT/ZH/Spanish).
If a delivery is configured as NOT Expires, even if validity/date is indicated, the validity of the delivery remains NOT Expires (although it continues to mark the validity dates indicated in Excel).
TYPE OF REQUIREMENT. Extract ID Type of requirement.
COMPANY. Extract container ID (incompatible with worker or vehicles).
WORKER. Extract container ID (incompatible with company or vehicles).
VEHICLES, CRANES OR PLATFORMS. Extraer ID de contenedor (incompatible con empresa o trabajador).
WORK CENTER. Extract Center ID. This information will only be used when it is necessary to upload requirement documents that apply by center.
– Necessarily name it UPLOADFOLDER
- Inside the file that must necessarily be named UploadFile.xls.
- Inside another folder, called DOC, where are stored the documents to upload.
– The imported file must be compressed in ZIP format. Press the accept button to confirm the changes. (7-zip_Añadir a).
File’s names cannot have accents, spaces, or signs. Beware of the ñ, which does not support it either.
It must end in the file type which is, for example, .pdf.,.doc…
The tdoc reports if an ERROR has occurred, and DOES NOT UPLOAD.
If the worker is inactive, it does not allow to upload the documents in this way.