(#) Work centers

From the Work Centers menu, the list of centers to which you have access is shown.

    Generates a report in Excel with the centers to which you have access
Allows you to select a work center and obtain the information related to that center
Allows you to clean all the applied filters

Select the center you want to access.

1. Subcontracting chain.

It shows the contractors subcontracting chain in that work center. You can use the filter to search for the company.

  It allows to see all the contractors, indicating as inactive those that are.

2. Toolbar

  #Allows you to create a contractor within the subcontracting chain. In case of being subcontractor of another one, you must select it previously.
It allows to download instantly the complete documentation of the task.


It allows to download instantly certain documentation of the task.

In the option requirements in one folder, allows to include or not, the company, workers, vehicles documentation and even deliveries.

Unchecked: download company, workers and vehicles documentation broken down into individual folders by requirement.

Checked: the requirements files are not downloaded in individual folders but all together in the top folder, that is, there will be a company folder, one per workers, and one per vehicles. each with all the documents not organized in subfolders.

It allows you to request a full or partial download of the documentation of the task.

It allows to generate the report (in PDF) with all the information of the task and the status of the documentation required for it.

See active tasks for which you are responsible


See inactive tasks for which you were responsible.


See inactive tasks


See active tasks

*Change Status. It allows to change the status of several tasks at the same time.

Select the tasks which must be changed their status.

Select the new task status and press save

*Allows you to share the documentation of the task with other people (they do not have to be administrators in tdoc).

-The recipient must be included (if there are several, they must be separated by “;”)

-Message body.

Tdoc will send an email with a single-use link, to be able to download the shared documentation.

To be able the recipients to download the documentation, they must access the link and indicate their name and email.

*Task migration tutorial. *Allows you to do task migrations. Before to use it, there must be a task migration template defined (center configuration).

*Select the original task (technology).

*Select the destination technology. It allows you to download the created migration template to verify how the migration will be done before putting it into production.

*After that, it is shown the preview of how the task will look in the functional area of the destination, it allows you to download the report of the supposed new task

*Do you want to delete the task in the orignal functional area?

* It has been added/updated the items.


#It allows you to get a list of workers in a center with the status of the correct documentation.

Documentation status:

Correct: Company and worker documentation which is Correct.

Inorrect: company or worker documentation which is incorrect, missing, expired or pending of validation.

Allows to send by mail.

Allows to filter and export to excel file.

LISTADO DE ACCESO #It allows you to get a list of vehicles in a center with the status of the correct documentation.

Documentation status:

Correct: Company and vehicles documentation which is Correct.

Inorrect: company or vehicles documentation which is incorrect, missing, expired or pending of validation.

Allows to send by mail

Allows to filter and export to excel file.



#/*Allows you to get a list of workers in a center with access.
This option requires having Access active, in any of its variants, Access Control or Field Audit.

Allows you to see whether or not you have access.

Allows you to see the current status (update).

Allows you to print the access card.

Allows to filter and export to excel file.



#/* Allows you to get a list of vehicles in a center with access.
This option requires having Access active, in any of its variants, Access Control or Field Audit.

It allows you to see if you have access or not.

Allows you to see is the current state (update).

Allows you to print the access card

Allows filters and export to excel file.

* Deleted workers

It allows to extract the information of the workers who have been deleted in the selected center from a start date to an end date.

It allows to generate an Excel with the tasks of the center (active or inactive).

3. Work center data

General information about the work center.


Allows you to see all the information about the center

* Contacts

From the Contacts tab you will be able to manage additional recipients who will receive notifications of change of status of the tasks of the work center contracts.

Allows to add new contact in this task.

Allows you to edit the contact you have previously selected previously.

Allows you to delete the contact previously selected.

4. Documentation to download

It shows the documentation to download of the selected center. It allows you   to download it in several languages ​​if you have them.

5. Tasks list        

Shows all tasks in the work center.

    Allows you to filter according to the status of the tasks.